students enter class, there will be a few minutes before class begins to
find seats, log in, and get ready for classroom instruction.
Students must first log in as themselves, then they can begin Type to
Learn right away or check the blog for recent posts. Student
conversations must be about technology, and not be disruptive to other
students working
Each student is expected to be listening to
instruction, or working on the daily classwork. Students may ask
two neighbors for help, or chat about their questions, but must always
be ready for further instruction by the teacher.
Once a transition sound is started by the teacher,
students are expected to follow the directions given by the sound.
Rain Stick
Shake- Freeze and listen to teacher instructions
Rain Stick
Rain- Stop and pause any activities, and turn eyes to the front for
further directions
Music- Save
and close any working projects or activities. Wait for the teacher to
give the "log off" instruction.
At the end of class each day, the "log off"
instruction will be given. Students must log off at the end of
class so that the computer is ready for the next student to log in.
This will also help to ensure that each student is working in their own
folder to reduce lost work.
Students will first be given a warning and prompted
about their behavior, and then consequences will be given as follows:
1. First offense- loss of privilege (associated with the offense)
2. Second offense (may be related to first offense)- Loss of privilege,
and/or time out (period of time to be determined by the teacher).
3.Third offense (may be related to first or second offense) - extended
time out and/or referral to the principal (or building equivalent) |